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Finding your niche – A new approach.

Nicole Laidler • January 24, 2022

Finding your niche - A new approach.

A few weeks ago, I tuned in to a free webinar given by The Copywriter Club. The hosts – Kira Hug and Rob Marsh – offered five tips for freelancers looking to build their business in 2022. Having run my own freelance copywriting business since 2004, I’d heard most of their fantastic advice before – but it’s always good to start the New Year with a refresher!

Like most business coaches, Kira and Rob stressed the importance of finding your niche. But instead of defining the concept of ‘niche’ with the usual formula…

What You Love + What You Are Good At + What People Will Pay You For + The Problem You Help People Solve = Your Niche

….they stressed the importance of identifying your X-Factor. In other words:

What makes you different? And why are you the best person for the job?

As someone who thrives on variety and who has always resisted the pressure of limiting myself to working within a handful of industries, this approach really resonated! Here are few additional thoughts that I’d like to share on the subject.

  1. If you’re launching your copywriting business, don’t feel pressure to identify your niche right away. Just highlight your strengths as a writer and your past experience.
  2. When you’re starting out, it’s OK to take every job that comes your way. (As long as it’s paid, and not completely out of your comfort zone.)
  3. Don’t be afraid to say ‘yes’ to copywriting projects you’ve never done before…and then figure out how to do them.

You’ll soon discover what type of copywriting you’re good at, which industries interest you, and what type of clients you enjoy working with. And at some point - your niche will find you.

So, what’s my niche?

I’m a trained journalist who specializes in story-based copywriting. I love writing business profiles, website copy, blogs, case studies, and media releases.

As niches go, it may be a pretty broad definition. But, it works for me.

Happy niche-hunting!

Nicole Laidler is a freelance reporter, copywriter and content creator, serving clients in London, Toronto and throughout Southwestern Ontario. She helps people grow their success, one word at a time.

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