If you hear the phrase “side hustle” and immediately think “hipster millennial,” you may want to think again. In fact, the side hustle – defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “a part-time job or occupation undertaken in addition to one’s regular employment” – is a growing trend that spans multiple generations.
A 2017 U.S. survey by GoDaddy found that while half of all millennials had some kind of side hustle, so did a quarter of baby boomers. Most people cited the need to earn additional income as the primary motivation for their side hustle, but a majority also hoped it would turn into their full-time gig.
The desire to pursue a passion is what sets the side hustle apart from a regular second job. And passion is certainly what drives these side-hustling Ivey grads.
Action-learning prioritizes communication, creativity, collaboration, and continuous improvement. The goal is to put what you’ve learned into practice, and then to examine and learn from the results.